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Speaking, Poem-ing, etc.

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trainer, htc, hack the classroom, microsoftedu, education, technology, poem, nj, management, jackson, iste, new jersey, mie, poetry, poetic, toney jackson, social emotional skills, educator, poet, mieexpert, microsoft education, hackensack, student, gradeschool, teacher, identity, classroom, school, university, how to, universtity, tech, philidelphia, toney, microsoft

Speaking, Poem-ing, etc.

Toney Jackson at Hack the Classroom

Read more Check out Toney Jackson's powerful spoken word piece about how the simple act of listening can lead to learning. For more inspiration from Hack the...

Hack The Classroom ISTE 2019 | Toney Jackson

Read more To end our event, Toney will take us on a poetic exploration and reflection into the role Social/emotional learning plays in what we do as educators, why it matters, and what lies at the core of our work. Learn more about the speakers here: ---- Subscribe to #MicrosoftEDU on YouTube here: Follow us on social! Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Pinterest: For more about Microsoft Education, our technology, and our mission, visit


microsoft, microsoftedu, education, iste, philidelphia, toney jackson, poem, poetic, social emotional skills, teacher, educator, student, classroom, university

I am change! | Toney Jackson

Read more Change is the one constant in any classroom. At times it can be hard for us to accept, yet we experience change in every aspect of our practice and environment. Toney Jackson has committed himself to viewing struggles as opportunities for change, and has adopted change as a mission and an identity. From the Hack the Classroom stage, Toney will share reflections on the changes he's making this year, as well as an original poem about being and inspiring changemakers. ---- Subscribe to #MicrosoftEDU on YouTube here: Follow us on social! LinkedIn: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: For more about Microsoft Education, our technology, and our mission, visit #HackTheClassroom


microsoft, microsoftedu, microsoft education, hack the classroom, htc, education, how to, classroom, management, tech, technology, school, universtity, gradeschool, mie, mieexpert, trainer, toney, jackson, hackensack, nj, new jersey, poet, poetry, identity


Read more Meet New Jersey teacher, Toney Jackson, who is using Hip-Hop and the spoken word in the classroom, and sparking creativity in his fourth graders. Please SUBSCRIBE if you enjoyed: **More info & videos below** For full episodes, check out Facebook: Twitter: ----------------- MetroFocus is a multi-platform news magazine focusing on the New York region. The MetroFocus television program features news, smart conversations, in-depth reporting, content from many partners and solutions-oriented reports from the community. Major areas of coverage include sustainability, education, science and technology, the environment, transportation, poverty and underserved communities. amplifies that reporting with daily updates and original stories that also cover culture, government and politics, the economy, urban development and other news in the metropolitan region. -----------------

Hack the Classroom: October 14, 2017

Read more Hack the Classroom is a live, online event that inspires educators and provides new ideas of what you can do in your classroom today with Microsoft technology. Broadcasting live on October 14th, this online event brings together the latest teaching methods, tools, and technologies to spark creativity and curiosity in students and educators alike. Along the way, we will share tips, tricks, and inspiring stories from across the globe, unlocking new ways to empower the students of today to create the world of tomorrow.

NJ 'Rapping teacher' kicks off school year with new rhymes, beats

Read more 4th grade teacher Toney Jackson from Hackensack, NJ is taking a different approach to math and a number of other subjects, incorporating some of hip hop's biggest songs to help his students better grasp the curriculum. [SPOILER ALERT: It's totally working.]

Late Night Webshow - Episode 4

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